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We’re happy to offer convenient block appointments for your family to save you time and avoid multiple trips. We recommend our littlest patients make their first visit around the age of three, but if you ever have questions, concerns, or problems before that time, we’re happy to help.

Your Child’s First Visit

Around the age of three, children have developed quite a few teeth, and are at a point in their cognitive development where they can understand the sights and sounds of the dental office meaning they are less likely to be scared during treatment. The first visit to the office includes an office tour, thorough dental examination, and professional teeth cleaning. Depending on your child’s dental development, we will likely take x-rays at this time as well. Throughout the visit, our friendly team is happy to answer any questions you or your children have, and will take time to demonstrate best at-home care practices.

Dental Sealants

For kids whose teeth have quite a bit of plaque and tartar build up or who have signs of tooth decay, we may recommend dental sealants. These thin plastic coatings are painted on and hardened to teeth providing a protective layer between your child’s teeth and decay causing bacteria.

Athletic Mouthguards

If your children play sports, you may have purchased athletic mouthguards from your local sporting goods store just to watch then dangle from your child’s helmet or get left in a locker. Many kids find store bought sportsguards are uncomfortable, and they don’t wear them. At Dr. Smiles Dental Boutique we offer custom sportsguards. Because these mouthguards are fitted to your child’s unique smile, they are more comfortable, and kids are more likely to wear them consistently.

Emergency Dentistry

It’s no secret that kids are accident prone. Lucky for you, our Dr. Smiles dental team offers patients emergency dentistry services. If you or your child is experiencing a dental emergency, don’t hesitate to contact us. We try to see emergency appointments on the same day, and are happy to provide tips to help you care for your smile until you reach our office.


We can provide full orthodontic evaluation and treatment planning. This help us determine if your child will require a removable orthodontic appliance to correct certain existent problems at this time followed by braces later on.