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Cosmetic services
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Cosmetic services

Studies show us that a smile is the physical trait that most people notice upon first meeting someone new. If you’re struggling with damaged or lackluster teeth, this might not come as good news to you, though.

Here at Dr. Smiles Dental Boutique, Dr. Aliyeva is happy to offer a variety of cosmetic dental services that can take years off your appearance and create a much more beautiful and appealing smile. You’ll be amazed by how much investing in a brand-new look can pay off!

Teeth Whitening

We offer two solutions to brighten stained, aged teeth. The amazing ZOOM! whitening system involves safe and potent light-activated bleaching gel and soft, cool light that thoroughly whisks away stains. Your appointment will only take about an hour, and you can leave that very same day with a smile that’s up to 10 shades brighter!

If you’d prefer to improve the shade of your smile in a more inconspicuous manner, we’re happy to fit you with customized mouth trays and provide prescription-strength bleaching gel that you can use in the comfort of your own home. All you have to do is wear them a few hours a day or at night. Treatment usually takes about two weeks for optimal results, but many patients start to see positive changes after only a couple of applications.

Porcelain veneers

If there are several cosmetic flaws chipping away at your smile and self-confidence, porcelain veneers can provide you with the amazing transformation you need. Made from ultra-thin pieces of porcelain, your new veneers will be handcrafted to perfectly fit your mouth and enhance your overall appearance, taking into account any changes or preferences you have in mind. Better yet, the procedure only takes two appointments – one for Dr. Aliyeva to discuss the treatment with you and take impressions, and another for us to place your brand-new, gorgeous veneer.

Composite, tooth-colored fillings

Here at Dr. Smiles Dental Boutique, our team is happy to provide the newest and most advanced restorative materials available. We offer fillings made from ceramic and bonded composite resin. Not only do they look natural, they also provide excellent protection for your teeth, even insulating well against hot and cold temperatures. We’d be happy to replace your old, discolored fillings with composite resins that blend in beautifully with your natural smile.

Inlays and Onlays

Onlays are typically made of porcelain, and they’re helpful in restoring areas that extend over one or more surfaces of a tooth. Inlays, on the other hand, are used to restore the area inside of a tooth. These options are often ideal for patients who are looking for a treatment option that’s more conservative than dental crowns.